Sunday, October 15

Today is Sunday, October 15, 2023. Walking outside, crisp and fresh.

DGoV (Daily Gift of Vitality) Activity: On waking, gently stretch and loosen the body and feel the fascia and muscles get activated.

A quote by James L. Oschman, “Your fascia forms the largest system in the body as it is the system that touches all the other systems.”

Thank you to Nicole Siparsky, MD for sharing this photo, Burning bushes in fall, Skilak Lake, Kenai Fjords National Park, Alaska

With gratitude and appreciation for all beings,

Naomi Parrella, MD & Fran Lee, FNP 

Wednesday, October 5

Today is Wednesday, October 5, 2022.  Noticing the Autumn aromas filling the air.

A quote by Bill Moyers. “Creativity is piercing the mundane to find the marvelous.”

Photo by: mantaphoto

October is the perfect time to engage your inner creative self.  Document all the new scenes from a leisurely walk or ride.  Consider trying a new way to capture those memories:

  • Take photos
  • Write a descriptive journal entry
  • Write a poem about how you felt while walking
  • Sketch or paint the scenery

Practice this Mindfulness Activity to Re-energize your Body and Mind whenever you need a moment to reset – while waiting, before, after, or to transition between activities.

Establishing a regular practice of pausing makes it easier to reset when you need it the most. You can start your practice at any time, even now.

  • Straighten your spine. Roll your shoulders back and down, smile to yourself, & relax your jaw.  
  • Take slow deep belly breaths, allowing your stomach to rise with each breath in and relax with each breath out. You may find that each breath gets better and better. Allow your shoulders to relax on each exhale. 
  • Keep it simple and let barriers go; breath in positive healing energy, breathe out and release that which holds you back.

Recharge yourself, tap into your strength and share positive energy when you repeat:  

“I am [*Name*]. I can do this. This is temporary. I have successfully handled difficult challenges in the past. As I connect to my inner self, I am open to the Happiness and positive energy around me. I send loving kindness and compassion to all people including me. Together, we can do great things.”

With gratitude and appreciation for all beings,

Naomi Parrella, MD & Fran Lee, FNP 

Monday, April 4

Today is Monday, April 4,2022. Smiling at the animals coming back to play after a long winter.

A quote by: Morris Pratt.  “Smiling is a wonderful way to get a boost of happiness.  Then next time life presents you with a challenging situation, take a deep breath and smile.”

 Photo from Arnaud_Martinez

April is about Springing forward.  Let’s take some time to explore strategies and activities for continued growth.  Awaken and move or begin a walking routine.  You can use this time to connect with nature, clear your mind, dream new dreams.

    • Schedule a time to walk
    • Plan your routes
    • Hydrate
    • Smile while you walk

Use this Mindfulness Activity to Re-energize your Body and Mind whenever you need a moment to reset – while waiting, before, after, or to transition between activities:

    • Straighten your spine. Roll your shoulders back and down, smile to yourself, & relax your jaw.
    • Take slow deep belly breaths, allowing your stomach to rise with each breath in and relax with each breath out. You may find that each breath gets better and better. Allow your shoulders to relax on each exhale.
    • As you continue to belly breathe, smile. Connect to the sensations on your face. Notice how it feels to bring a gentle smile to your face.

Recharge yourself and share positive energy when you repeat:  

“I am [*Name*]. I can do this. As I connect to my vision, courage, strength, and wisdom, I am open to the Love and positive energy around me. I send loving kindness and compassion to all people including me. Together, we can do great things.”

With gratitude and appreciation for all beings,

Naomi Parrella, MD & Fran Lee, FNP 

Wednesday, August 18

Today is Wednesday, August 18, 2021.  Appreciating the animals playing and enjoying each other’s company.

This August, we focus on building and strengthening connections.  Making connections can lower stress and contribute to longevity.  For this third week of August, we focus on connecting to LOVE, after all, “Love is all around us.”

Today the focus is on connecting to the love of friends. Friends enhance our life and improve our health.

    • Call a friend to go for a walk.
    • Invite a friend to have a picnic.
    • Send an old friend a note and let them know what their friendship means to you.
    • Share a few minutes talking with a friend.
    • Gather with friends for music outdoors.

Photo by Pascal Muller

Recharge yourself and share positive energy when you repeat: 

“I am [*Name*].  I am open to the positive energy around me. I appreciate myself and others as I connect with love and kindness. As I think about those I love and care for, I send loving kindness and compassion to all people including me. Together, we can do great things.”

A quote from Kirstin Armstrong, “The best thing to do when you find yourself in a hurting or vulnerable place is to surround yourself with the strongest, finest, most positive people you know.”

Use this Mindfulness Activity to Re-energize your Body and Mind:  

  • Straighten your spine. Roll your shoulders back and down, smile to yourself, & relax your jaw.
  • Take slow deep belly breaths, allowing your stomach to rise with each breath in and relax with each breath out. You may find that each breath gets better and better. Allow your shoulders to relax on each exhale.
  • While you continue to Belly breath, practice a Loving Kindness meditation and repeat:
    • “May I be happy.”
    • “May I be healthy.”
    • “May I live with ease.”
    • “And may these be true for other too.”

With gratitude and appreciation for all beings,

Naomi Parrella, MD & Fran Lee, FNP 

Wednesday, July 7

Today is Wednesday, July 7, 2021.  Walking, smiling, observing the beauty around us.

July marks the start of the second half of the year.  Let’s check in with ourselves this month to add some sparkle to the second half of the year.  Consider ways to add sparkle to your walking routine.

  • Invite someone new to walk with you.
  • Join a walking club.
  • Try a new walking route.
  • Walk at a different time of day to get a different perspective.
  • Listen to a different genre of music on your walk.
  • Listen to book or podcast while you walk.

Photo by: Zack Silver

Recharge yourself and share positive energy when you repeat: 

“I am [*Name*].  I am open to the positive energy around me. I appreciate myself and others as I connect with love and kindness. As I think about those I love and care for, I send loving kindness and compassion to all people including me. Together, we can do great things.”

A quote by Thich Nhat Hanh “Walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet.”

Use this Mindfulness Activity to Re-energize your Body and Mind:  

  • Straighten your spine. Roll your shoulders back and down, smile to yourself, & relax your jaw.    
  • Take slow deep belly breaths, allowing your stomach to rise with each breath in and relax with each breath out. You may find that each breath gets better and better. Allow your shoulders to relax on each exhale.   
  • While breathing, bring your attention to something that has brought you joy, a baby’s face, friends, family, a garden, the ocean.
  • While focused on joy, feel the smile on your face and send that loving smile throughout your body.

With gratitude and appreciation for all beings,

Naomi Parrella, MD & Fran Lee, FNP 

Friday, January 15

Today is Friday, January 15, 2021. Wondering if birds share what they see with each other.

An inspirational quote by Mandy Hale, “You don’t always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go, and see what happens.”

The Joy of January. This is a symbolic month to launch a new year to lay the foundation for a brighter future.  

Pick one day each week to look back at your week and let your mind unload. Begin the process by drawing or writing down everything on your mind and let it rest outside of your mind.  You can return to it at any time. *Tip: Remember those daily 15 minute walks established in July? Taking that walk beforehand might help get the process started or taking the walk afterwards may allow you an opportunity to refresh your brain.

Photo by Dr. Susan Chubinskaya

Use this Mindfulness Activity to calm your Body and Mind:  

    • Straighten your spine. Roll your shoulders back and down, smile to yourself, & relax your jaw.
    • Take slow deep belly breaths, allowing your stomach to rise with each breath in and relax with each breath out. You may find that each breath gets better and better. Allow your shoulders to relax on each exhale.
    • Picture yourself in a relaxed state. See yourself on your favorite walking path, a favorite vacation spot, sitting on a porch with a friend…
      • Smile to yourself.

Recharge yourself and spread love when you repeat:    

“I am [*Name*]. I am doing what I can. I am aware of myself and others, and I belong to a global community. I love myself and others because I have kindness and love in my heart and soul. As I think about those I love and care for, I send loving kindness and compassion to all people. We are all connected. Together, we can do great things.”

With gratitude and appreciation for all beings,

Naomi Parrella, MD & Fran Lee, FNP 

Wednesday, December 23

Today is Wednesday, December 23, 2020. Taking a walk, noticing every little thing. Seasonal decorations vary at this time of year.

Delights in December. This month use the Daily Gift of Vitality, to allow a moment to pause and connect with what delights you. We will provide prompts and ideas along the way.

Spark delight by taking a pause.  As the year winds down and we find ourselves busy, taking a pause during the day can help reset our nervous system so we can see the joy and beauty all around us.  You can take a pause by taking a few belly breaths, reading a book, watching a puppy video, sharing a funny story. Stretching your body works wonders too.

An inspirational quote by Mark Twain: “The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as a rightly timed pause”

Photo by: Fransiskus Filbert Mangundap

Recharge yourself when you repeat:    

“I am [*Name*]. I am doing what I can. I am aware of myself and others, and I belong to a global community. I love myself and others because I have kindness and love in my heart and soul. As I think about those I love and care for, I send loving kindness and compassion to all people. We are all connected. Together, we can do great things.”

Return to the Mindfulness Activity to practice this week to create Calm Moments:  

    • Straighten your spine. Roll your shoulders back and down, smile to yourself, & relax your jaw.
    • Take slow deep belly breaths, allowing your stomach to rise with each breath in and relax with each breath out. You may find that each breath gets better and better. Allow your shoulders to relax on each exhale.
    • To restore the body, experience Ocean Breathing as taught by Jeff Warren
      • While belly breathing, imagine yourself floating on the surface of the ocean
      • Your breath is like the tide, as you inhale the tide rises and it lifts your body up, as you exhale the body relaxes. Feel your body being carried by the tide.
      • Smile and enjoy floating and gliding.

With gratitude and appreciation for all beings,

Naomi Parrella, MD & Fran Lee, FNP