Sunday, March 2

Today is Sunday, March 2, 2024. It’s been almost 4 years since we started the Daily Gift of Vitality and we have posted over 575 messages of connection!

The Daily Gift of Vitality started as a daily anchoring message that grew out of requests from proactive and innovative department leaders at Rush University Medical Center, who listened, observed, and recognized a need to care for all persons connected to caring for others at the start of the Pandemic. It was distributed to 10’s of thousands of individuals through various caring companies and organizations around the world.

Our purpose was:

  1. To provide a single simple message simultaneously to everyone everywhere allowing individuals to learn and practice simple self-regulating actions every day for optimal health, function & recovery.
  2. To provide a reliable daily anchor- keeping it simple, easy to learn and remember – that is quick to apply.
  3. To provide a routine. Each message aimed to maintain a standardized, dependable structure to allow it to be used as a “routine” to start a day, transition from a “work” to “home” mindset or after reading/watching news/social media, or to end the day.
  4. To create a safe space to rest and recharge. The messaging was intentionally designed to provide a “safe” space and deliberately avoid using terms that could be triggering and common in current communications (ie. COVID19, pandemic, outbreak, election, etc.).
  5. To establish an easy-to-implement way to keep people connected & cared for despite being physically in different spaces.

Early on, we developed a daily anchoring statement. It can still be useful now and in the future.

“I am [*Name*]. I am doing what I can to be helpful. I love myself because I have kindness and love in my heart and soul. I am part of the global community, and we are all working together to get through this. This is temporary. We can do this. As I think about those I love and care for, I send loving kindness out to all people.”

We included an activity to release negative energy. Starting with belly breathing to stimulate the vagus nerve to calm your body, and augmenting with the healing power of box breathing.

  • Roll your shoulders back, smile to yourself, & relax your jaw.
  • Take slow deep belly breaths, allowing your stomach to rise with each breath in and relax with each breath out. You may find that each breath gets better and better. Allow your shoulders to relax on each exhale.
  • Advance the healing power of deep breathing with Box Breathing (Sama Vritti Pranayama).
    • Breathe in through your nose for a count of 4.
    • Try to feel the breath in your nose.
    • Hold your breath for a count of 4.
    • Exhale for a count of 4. Hold for a count of 4.

*You can change the duration of breathing, holding and exhaling to your comfort zone.

Looking back, we can see and have gratitude for all of the individuals that contributed to creating this safe space, including those who allowed us to share their beautiful photographs with the world and those who have inspired us and healed us through their wise words. Thank you to Nicole Siparsky, MD, who shared today’s photo, “Sunset over Lake Erie.”

Good news. Through this journey, we confirmed that around the world, there are humans that want to help others, to care for one another, to relieve suffering and to help heal other humans. We can be stronger and experience more joy by joining together. As Bono from U2 reminds us, “We are the people we have been waiting for.”

Moving forward, our future DGoV posts and posting frequency are being reconsidered. As compassionate and loving beings, please continue to stay connected to other humans and the positive energy around you. Thank you for the opportunity to hold this safe space for you since March of 2020.

With gratitude and appreciation for all beings,

Naomi Parrella, MD & Fran Lee, FNP 

Sunday, February 18

Today is Sunday, February 18, 2024. Amazing day!

DGoV (Daily Gift of Vitality) Activity: Think back on the last week and quickly jot down anything wonderful, interesting, fun, inspiring from your week. In the future, you can look back at this list and add to it.

“The desire to reach for the stars is ambitious. The desire to reach hearts is wise.” – Maya Angelou

Thank you to Nicole Siparsky, MD for sharing this photo, “Telluride Sunset, Colorado.”

With gratitude and appreciation for all beings,

Naomi Parrella, MD & Fran Lee, FNP 

Sunday, January 14

Today is Sunday, January 14, 2024. Continuing on.

DGoV (Daily Gift of Vitality) Activity: Two weeks into the new year. Time for a mid-month review.

Staying true to yourself:

  • Remind yourself of your aspiration. Say it out loud.
  • Reflect: 2 weeks into the new year, are you making choices that align with your aspiration(s)?
  • Plan: What can you do by the end of the month that moves you in the direction of your aspiration. Make it clear to yourself what you can do and how you will know that you have achieved it.
  • Make it easier: As usual, writing it down will help focus your energy towards your aspiration(s) because it is more front-of-mind.  

Remember: While the course may change throughout the year, you can make progress by returning the focus to your aspirations for the year. Pull out a fresh calendar and every day that you state your intentions out loud, or take action towards your aspirations, give yourself a win and mark it on the calendar.  

A quote by Victoria Arlan, “The climb might be tough and challenging, but the view is worth it. There is a purpose for that pain; you just can’t always see it right away.”

Thank you to Nicole Siparsky, MD for sharing this photo, “Lysefjord Waterfall Norway.”

With gratitude and appreciation for all beings,

Naomi Parrella, MD & Fran Lee, FNP 

Sunday, December 31

Today is Sunday, December 31, 2023. The last day of the year. A time to pause and reflect.

DGoV (Daily Gift of Vitality) Activity: This week, you get to start fresh. Reflect on what you have learned in the past year. Writing it down is helpful. Then turn the page to start your new year.

Set your aspirations, for the year. Remember to include the real reason this aspiration is important to you. This is about setting the course in the direction you’d like to go, big picture and remembering your why. Write everything down so you can return to it when you find yourself distracted or off track.

While the path forward may need to change throughout the year, you can continue to make progress by returning the focus to your aspirations for the year. Aspirations stay constant even when the goals and the path towards those goals may change due to changing circumstances.

Pull out a fresh calendar and every day that you state your intentions out loud, or take action towards your aspirations, give yourself a win and mark it on the calendar.  

A quote by Susan Sontag, “Pay attention. It’s all about paying attention. Attention is vitality. It connects you with others. It makes you eager. Stay eager.”

Thank you to Nicole Siparsky, MD for sharing this photo, “Sunset Lake Michigan in Winter.”

With gratitude and appreciation for all beings,

Naomi Parrella, MD & Fran Lee, FNP 

Sunday, December 3

Today is Sunday, December 3, 2023. Remembering long-distance friends.

DGoV (Daily Gift of Vitality) Activity: This week, send a note, a photo, a postcard to a friend or relative or previous acquaintance who lives far away. It is a nice surprise when someone thinks of you and reaches out.

A quote by Sogyal Rinpoche, “True spirituality is to be aware that if we are interdependent with everything and everyone else, even our smallest, least significant thoughts, words and actions has real consequences throughout the universe.”

Thank you to Rémi Bertogliati for sharing this photo.

With gratitude and appreciation for all beings,

Naomi Parrella, MD & Fran Lee, FNP 

Sunday, November 19

Today is Sunday, November 19, 2023. Thankful every day.

DGoV (Daily Gift of Vitality) Activity: This week, notice the people you see regularly and really “see” them. Give them a great big smile and let them feel how much you genuinely appreciate them.

A quote by Mary Kay Ash, “Everyone wants to be appreciated, so if you appreciate someone, don’t keep it a secret.”

Thank you to Nicole Siparsky, MD for sharing this photo, Lazy Fall Sunday in the City.

With gratitude and appreciation for all beings,

Naomi Parrella, MD & Fran Lee, FNP 

Sunday, October 29

Today is Sunday, October 29, 2023. Nature immersion feels so good.  

DGoV (Daily Gift of Vitality) Activity: Practice breathing to stimulate the vagus nerve and reflex to calm the body. When you breathe in, let your belly rise. When you breathe out, let your belly relax. Repeat.

A quote by Thich Nhat Hanh, “Breathing in, I calm my body. Breathing out, I smile. Dwelling in the present moment, I know this is a wonderful moment.”

Thank you to Nicole Siparsky, MD for sharing this photo, Fall Pumpkins.

With gratitude and appreciation for all beings,

Naomi Parrella, MD & Fran Lee, FNP 

Sunday, October 22

Today is Sunday, October 22, 2023. Autumn colors brighten the days.

DGoV (Daily Gift of Vitality) Activity: Try a new routine for 1 week and see what happens. Wake up. Smile to self. Drink water. Stretch muscles and fascia. Meditate. Journal. Listen to the sounds of nature or pleasant music. Think of the day ahead focusing on what is in your control and that can make your day a better day: Connecting with a friend or colleague. Exercising. Learning something new. Taking the scenic route. Pausing and reflecting in silence.

A quote by Sakyong Mipham, “The body benefits from movement, and the mind benefits from stillness.”  

Thank you to Nicole Siparsky, MD for sharing this photo, Russell Pond Trail, Baxter State Park, Maine in Fall

With gratitude and appreciation for all beings,

Naomi Parrella, MD & Fran Lee, FNP 

Sunday, October 15

Today is Sunday, October 15, 2023. Walking outside, crisp and fresh.

DGoV (Daily Gift of Vitality) Activity: On waking, gently stretch and loosen the body and feel the fascia and muscles get activated.

A quote by James L. Oschman, “Your fascia forms the largest system in the body as it is the system that touches all the other systems.”

Thank you to Nicole Siparsky, MD for sharing this photo, Burning bushes in fall, Skilak Lake, Kenai Fjords National Park, Alaska

With gratitude and appreciation for all beings,

Naomi Parrella, MD & Fran Lee, FNP 

Sunday, October 1

Today is Sunday, October 1, 2023. The early morning is quiet at this time of year.

DGoV (Daily Gift of Vitality) Activity: Start each day with a glass of water and write down your intention for the day. Remind yourself what is important to you and how you’d want to show up for the day.

A quote by Viktor Frankl, “When we are no longer able to change a situation – we are challenged to change ourselves.”

Thank you to Nicole Siparsky, MD for sharing this photo, Cottonwood Groves Glacier National Park.

With gratitude and appreciation for all beings,

Naomi Parrella, MD & Fran Lee, FNP