Monday, October 26

Today is Monday, October 26, 2020. The sky is constantly changing. It is predictably unpredictable.

For the month of October, we have shared Mindful Mondays. Starting the week with mindfulness and creating mindful moments throughout the week, can be centering and healing. Today, is an outdoor immersion for centering and healing.

Take some time to experience being outside. Whether you are walking or standing, notice how you feel while you are outside. What are you feeling? Where does your attention go? Look around. How much of what you can see is made by humans and how much is determined by nature? Which colors do you like? What scent is in the air? Notice the temperature of the air on your skin. Is there a breeze? Is the wind blowing through your hair? Where do you feel the coolest temperature on your body? Do you hear birds? People? Cars? Trains? Planes? Notice the surface that supports your weight. Are you on a flat surface or is it uneven? Are you on a slope?

An inspirational Quote from Carol Dweck, “Picture your brain forming new connections as you meet the challenge and learn. Keep on going.”

Photos by Dan. Top, “Fall Rainbow” Right, “Texture.”

Recharge yourself when you repeat:    

“I am [*Name*]. I am resilient and learning every day. I am part of the global community. I love myself because I have kindness and love in my heart and soul. As I think about those I love and care for, I send loving kindness out to all people. We are all connected. We can be resilient together.”

The Mindfulness Activity to practice this week to create Calm Moments:  

  • Straighten your spine. Roll your shoulders back and down, smile to yourself, & relax your jaw.
  • Take slow deep belly breaths, allowing your stomach to rise with each breath in and relax with each breath out. You may find that each breath gets better and better. Allow your shoulders to relax on each exhale.
  • Thinking of your physical body as your home, where you reside, think of deep breathing as like opening the windows on a bright sunny day with a nice breeze.
  • Become aware of how every breath that fills your body is like having wide open windows, filling your home with fresh, clean air and every breath out clears out and releases so that your home is a refreshed space for you to be in.
  • Experience the happy moment of being in your clean, refreshed home.
  • Smile, knowing that you can take moments to open and be present in this space, anywhere you are. Your body is your home.

With gratitude and appreciation for all beings,

Naomi Parrella, MD & Fran Lee, FNP 

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