Friday, October 2

Today is Friday, October 2, 2020.  Fridays are for family, friends and fun.

For the month of October, we invite you to our first Fun & Friendly Fridays.

Take a moment to reach out to (at least) one friend and send a warm note or set up a time to connect. Letting someone know you are thinking of them creates positive energy that is welcome and often just what is needed at the end of the week.

An inspirational Quote from Audrey Hepburn. “For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

Photo by: Hudson Hintze

Recharge yourself when you repeat:    

“I am [*Name*]. I am resilient and learning every day. I am part of the global community. I love myself because I have kindness and love in my heart and soul. As I think about those I love and care for, I send loving kindness out to all people. We are all connected. We can be resilient together.”

The Mindfulness Activity to practice this week to create Calm Moments:  

    • Straighten your spine. Roll your shoulders back and down, smile to yourself, & relax your jaw.
    • Take slow deep belly breaths, allowing your stomach to rise with each breath in and relax with each breath out. You may find that each breath gets better and better. Allow your shoulders to relax on each exhale.
    • Now reach up as high as possible and then bend forward as if folding in half, knees soft or bent. Release your shoulders and take 3 cleansing breaths.
    • Roll up gently, keeping shoulders loose.
    • Look ahead and smile.

With gratitude and appreciation for all beings,

Naomi Parrella, MD & Fran Lee, FNP